Insulated vs Uninsulated Garage Doors

Whether you’re building your dream home or making some upgrades to your current one, choosing the right garage door can be overwhelming. If selecting your favourite design and colour isn’t enough, there’s also the common insulated vs. uninsulated garage door question....

How to Maintain Your Garage Door

Your garage door is one of the most tried and tested facilities in your home. The average family will use their garage door 3-5 times a day, equating to nearly 2000 times per year. People rely on their garage door to be in working order to keep them running on time,...

How to Adjust a Garage Door

Over time, your garage door may become somewhat off balance. It might open or close too quickly, be extremely difficult to open or simply become less smooth in its movement. These are not usually signed that the door needs to be replaced though. Often it just requires...

Top 5 Home Automation Ideas for 2021

The Internet of Things has made it easier than ever to set up a smart home in which you can remotely control your lighting, media, climate, and your home alarm system. But do you know that there are other essential areas to automate in your home? That is the essence...

Troubleshooting Tips for Electric Garage Doors

Do you remember the days of using a manual garage door? Straining your back at the end of a long day, rushing in the pouring rain or holding your keys as a weapon when you get home in the wee hours are just some instances synonymous with life before electric garage...

Why Choose Steel-Line As Your Roller Doors Supplier

Here at Steel-Line, we are so much more than just a manufacturing warehouse for industrial and residential garage doors.  We are creators, innovators and design enthusiasts who make every effort to bring your project ideas to life.  We utilise the very best in...
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