Steel-Line’s Savannah® range is made from BlueScope® Steel 0.7 G300 coil delivering a far smoother and virtually blemish and shadow free finish compared to our competitors’ smooth finish garage doors, which are made from softer G2NS steel.
Steel-Line | makers for life
Click here for the Savannah® range in WA
A different profile and colour range are offered in Western Australia.
A small additional investment for a heavier grade garage door.
Shadowing or oil canning can be defined as a perceived waviness in the flat areas of metal panels. Oil canning is an inherent part of light gauge cold-formed metal products, particularly those with broad flat areas such as garage doors. Most manufacturers warn against shadowing or obvious oil canning and will not cover in warranty provisions. By using G300 steel, which is a stronger grade of steel than traditional steel used for sectional garage doors, minimises visual oil canning. Steel-Line’s innovative Savannah smooth and powder coat custom sectional door range are made from 0.7 G300 substrate which is durable, non combustible and meets Australian standards: AS/NZS 1365:1996 1, AS 1397:2011 and ISO 9001:2015.
A great range of designs and colours to choose from at an affordable price.
Steel-Line’s Savannah® range of garage doors is available in three designs – Slimline, Glacier and Flatline in a wide range of colours. If quality, durability and a genuinely smooth door are important, then make a Savannah® garage door your choice.
Please note: All colours shown on this chart are guide only. We strongly recommend comparing your choice with actual samples. Additionally, Steel-Line reserves the right to vary or remove colours without notice.